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Physician, Nursing and Allied Health Professional Credentialing, Recruitment and Supply Management 


We work with C.Gov to configure a customized solution that provides a stepped level of Credentialing and health professional management, for small organizations through to a world leading credentialing solution for large health organizations.  The system automates recruitment, credentialing and delineation of privileges, using alerts and reminders to streamline processes and create an efficient, effective clinical governance system.  The system has the following features: 


Physician Recruitment:

Track the recruitment of physician candidates over time and easily identify physician recruitment opportunities 


Recruitment of Interns, Residents and Management Records

Use a separate process to record recruiting and workforce management data for interns and residents, who do not require formal scope of clinical practice.


Physician Supply Management:

Obtain database reports the distribution, size, specialty mix and scope of practice of your current physician workforce


Personnel File Establishment 
Establish a single record of personal details for each physician, nurse or allied health professional.


New Applications
Process application approvals for initial Scope of Clinical Practice, drawing on College of Physicians/Other Professions details, indemnity and reference details.  Enable applicants to attach all of their documentation electronically and to automatically create an attachments tab.  Applicants can email references for reports and applicant details and scope of practice requested with an associated reminder and follow up process.


Monitor College renewals and internal application, processing and approval processes for periodic renewal of approved Scope Of Clinical Practice with one simple interface. Renewals timeframes can be easily tracked on a graphical or list-based interface.


Mutual Recognition Applications across Multiple sites
Manage your services applications, processing and approvals for new or periodic renewal of approved mutual recognition for Scope of Clinical Practice. This provides ability to have a shared system across a large distributed health network or region. Access can be tiered based on the size of individual health services. Data view can be restricted to specific data for each location or unit.


Variation to Scope of Practice
Cgov provides mechanisms for variation to approved Scope of Clinical Practice with a period of approved scope.


Emergency Scope
Manage retrospective requests and processes for Emergency of Temporary scope of practice for clinicians with existing approved scope.


Urgent Scope
Manage requests for Urgent Scope of Practice, including processes for natural disasters.


Manage Credentialing Committee Meeting Minutes
A separate App is available for managing Agendas and Minutes of Credentialing Committee meetings. This includes workflows for sending of minutes and notations before meetings and a process for automatic insertion and sign off Credentialing Committee minutes.  i.e. only one signature can be required to sign off an entire Credentialing meeting.


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